Today in history; 1939 Germany invaded Poland. In 1989, democratic rule was re-established in Poland.
Also, this past Wednesday marked the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Freedom March (1963) on Washington, D.C., U.S.A., where Dr. Martin Luther King, J.R. delivered his "I have a dream" speech.
To all of my brothers and sisters across the globe who have endured oppression, bullying, or were made to feel less than another in any way... I wish to re-live this moment in history with you:
Thank you to all who have struggled, marched, protested and died for the freedoms that we now know in this world. And, to each of you who continue to march, struggle, protest, and will sacrifice yourselves for the freedom that we will know in the future, I give to you the highest respect and honor.
Happy September everyone!!!